W.E. Stebbins High School
Class Of 1975

Welcome to the Walter E. Stebbins High School Class Of 1975 website. As a graduate you are provided this site free of charge. It is meant to be a community of friends. We have made our best effort to include every Stebbins '75 graduate. If your name does not appear please send an email to admin@stebbins75.com and we'll get you added as soon as possible. The idea is to keep improving this website and keep the information accurate. If you see anything amiss please let us know.
The names were taken from the '75 yearbook and from the Stebbins' list of '75 graduates, if there are mispellings or you prefer to go by a nickname please change your name when you create your profile.
It is easy to get started, just click on the "Classmate Profiles", click your name from the list, fill out the information and pick a password. Your email address will never be revealed to others. Another person can send you a private email and you will receive a notice in your email box that you have a message at this site. You can send messages back and forth without revealing your email address. Your friends will know your email address if you choose to reveal it. Your home address can be hidden or shown it is your choice how you want to handle that information. We would like you to at least enter a city and state because we are trying to map where everyone lives now.
To see everyone's senior photograph, go to Classmate Profiles and click Show Yearbook Photo. For those of you that didn't have a senior yearbook photo, we have used the next photo available (jr, soph, fresh, 8th, etc) that we could find.
Jeff Moles