Jeff's Bucket List - What's yours?
Posted Wednesday, September 2, 2009 06:55 PM

You've been told you have just 1 year to live.  What are the 100 things you would do in that year?  If you have not seen "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman you should.  One of the better films I've seen.  It is worth the DVD rental price just to hear Nicholson's eulogy.

I can't honestly say that I would have 100 things I would want to do.   I think most of all I would like to spend as much time with my family... my wife, Tammy, my kids, my grandkids, mom, sister...  so given that - I'd like to do these things with at least one family member with me.

  1. Learn to fly an airplane.
  2. Fly to California and back.
  3. Sing the National Anthem at a Reds Game.
  4. Stay on a deserted island for 2 weeks
  5. Know that each of my kids and grandkids have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Then I can die at peace.
  6. Sleep overnight in a "haunted house".
  7. Make CD of songs so my kids can listen and remember me.
  8. Watch the top 100 movies of all time.
  9. Hear Aerosmith in concert ... just one more time....
  10. Visit Alaska
  11. Attend the Stebbins 35th reunion!

Can't think of any more... I've done most of everything I wanted to do  I think. 

Have at it and be more creative than me!
